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What Was the Best Thing That Happened to You This Week?
(Story told with permission)
This week I saw Beth*, a former patient I hadn't seen in years, an elementary school teacher who had retired and moved to Santa Barbara and was back in town for a visit. She'd initially had difficulty adjusting to retirement, and knowing that her husband was still working full-time I asked what she was doing with herself.
Beth had trained her golden retriever Lila as a therapy dog, which gave me a mental image of the two of them visiting nursing homes and hospices. But no, Lila had become a "Tail Wagging Tutor" at the public library, where she enjoyed having kids read aloud to her.
Many of the children chosen for this program have difficulties reading and as a result have developed self-esteem issues. They are often self-conscious when reading aloud in front of other classmates.The mental image of Lila (a bit of a slobberer) happily soaking up kid energy, and the image of those kids showing Lila the illustrations in books while reading her the stories therein tickled me so thoroughly it completely made my day.By sitting down next to a dog and reading to the dog, all threats of being judged are put aside. The child relaxes, pats the attentive dog, and focuses on the reading. Reading improves because the child is practicing the skill of reading, building self-esteem, and associating reading with something pleasant. As one child on the DVD says, “It’s pretty fun!”
Beth and Lila were invited to a group counseling session for UC Santa Barbara students traumatized by the recent mass shooting. Lila seemed to understand exactly what was required of her and allowed herself to be hugged and held and cried on as student after freaked-out student told her the story of what had happened on that terrible day of rampaging violence. She kissed and licked and slobbered and patiently listened to the students' stories for as long as they needed to tell them.
What made you feel good this week?

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