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Do you let your freak flag fly, or fly Old Glory on the Froth of July?
What flags do you like best at any time of year?
I have to admit I don't find our national flag particularly attractive. pNut hangs this one up instead:

This is what a DFH flag looks like. So sue me.
Paradise lines the Skyway with their Parade of Flags display, while we wish our neighbors a Happy Independence Dave.
I do like the flag of my little town, though, red clay soil and all. This flag really captures the beauty of the Paradise Ridge.
Does your town have its own flag?

official town flag of Paradise
Lately I've been collecting variations on Gadsden flags. Got any other good ones for me?

You can even create your own flag, as I did for the tip jar. If you're bored of feeling creative make your own.
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