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What's the best party you ever threw?
By the time you read this I'll have been to more parties this week than this introvert can properly assimilate, with more yet to come. I do appreciate a properly thrown party, but rarely host one myself because it's just too overwhelming. When it's someone else's party I can always leave when my inner TILT! sign goes off.
The best party I ever threw was in Santa Cruz back in the 80's. It was after I'd broken up with a highly extroverted boyfriend and had moved into a big two story clapboard house incongruously set in the middle of a trailer park. I rented the entire back end of the house for $125 a month, and after emerging from a 4 week mourning period decided to throw a bash to see what mutual friends of ours were still willing to see me, since I was the bad person who instigated the break-up.
What made it a truly fun party was the diversity of people who showed up from all areas of my somewhat scattered life. My fear was that they would form small clumps and not talk to each other, so I set up what I hoped wouldn't be too lame of a party game. Everyone who walked in had the name of a famous person affixed to their backs. The only way to solve your identity riddle was to ask Yes-or-No questions of everyone else, and you were limited to one question per person. Fortunately this worked exceptionally well as an ice-breaker and got everyone mingling and laughing. At any moment someone you didn't know would walk up to you, read the name on your back, show you theirs, and ask, "Am I real?" or "I figured out I'm a male musician-- am I a rock star?"
People showed up from my hospital's X-ray department, my junior college radiologic technology program, my writing group including the published poet who ran it, the Poet and Patriot pub and the Nuclear Freeze Movement above it where I volunteered, my old drum circle where my ex and I had played together for years and my new drum circle. Even my seestah came in from out of town. There was drumming and dancing and poetry readings and political discussions and shrieks of laughter as people figured out their alter egos and slapped new names on each other's backs. It was the largest and most diverse circle of friends I ever knew before Daily Kos, and the best party I ever managed to pull off. Now I prefer to help other people make their parties happen!
What makes a good party for you?

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