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What Struck You As Absurd This Week?
What distracted you from Ebola, Elections, and Obama-bashing this week? My favorite off-topic news channel freak-outs featured...
Scary armed clowns have been appearing for weeks in a small town near Bakersfield, CA, sometimes purportedly bearing machetes and baseball bats, terrorizing anyone with any sense.
The only arrest has been of a teen-aged copy-clown.
Shepard Smith makes SenseIn an obvious segue to the Fox News clowns, Shepard Smith had one of his periodic attacks of sanity and slammed the sensationalistic press coverage of Ebola, telling everyone except those sharing his news room to knock it off already.
Do not listen to the hysterical voices on the radio and the television or read the fear-provoking words online. The people who say and write hysterical things are being very irresponsible.Now to return to your regularly scheduled hysteria...
McDonald's Serves Mice Now:
Then there was the man whose McDonald's coffee came with its own free dead mouse, complete with little floating, um, pellets. Apparently McDonald's coffee is already so execrable you don't even notice anything's amiss until you get to that lumpy part at the bottom.
Skeletor vs FanboyWhat made you laugh this week?I so regret I didn't get to watch this unfold live. Rick Scott refused to take the debate stage for four minutes with Charlie Crist until Crist flat-out shamed him into it. The reason? Because Crist had a forbidden 'electronic device' in the form of a portable fan under his podium, something he always uses because best you not look sweaty like Nixon on stage.
A fan.
Or, as Justice Putnam tweeted:
Rick Scott's reptilian answer to "Why U no show up on stage?" was truly twisted:To be fair to Rick Scott, if you've ever seen "Play Misty, For Me," then you know how dangerous fans can be.
— Justice Putnam (@justiceputnam) October 16, 2014As David Nir put it:
Yes, Scott actually claimed he wouldn't come on stage because he said Crist wasn't planning to come on stage—only, you know, he was already there. That kind of insane anti-logic is almost perfectly Republican.

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