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What do you carry in your wallet these days?
How's it different from what you used to carry?
It seems to me people used to carry more photographs of their spouse and kids in their wallets. I suppose they don't so much anymore because they can just whip out their cell phone, as a friend of mine did when she pulled out her iPhone and showed me not just a photo but a video of her new puppy mouth-wrestling.
It also seems to me that people used to carry more information and mementos in their wallets. For years I carried a folded up newspaper clipping in mine that cited a study showing X-ray techs were in the #1 most stressful job category, right up there with air traffic controllers. Now if I want to prove something to someone I can just google it. I also once carried photobooth strips of me and my best friend, fortune cookie fortunes, and a peso note from Mexico just because I liked how it looked. I knew older people who carried Social Security cards, locks of hair, folded drawings their kids had made, and lucky coins.
Ever lost your wallet? Can you imagine not needing a wallet at all in the future?
I used to not carry a purse at all, just a single elegant thin wallet into which I wedged one credit card for emergencies, my driver's license, a single car key, a single house key, and whatever folding money I needed. Whatever clothing I wore always had a pocket to slide the wallet into. What freedom that was, not hauling a purse around! Then the wallet slowly fattened as I added photos and fortune cookie fortunes and a library card and an organ donor card. Now, everyone wants you to carry swipe cards for club rewards on your groceries, gym admission, or to get a free sandwich with every tenth purchase or a discount at Starbuck's.
I looked in my wallet now and noticed that now I mostly have piles of plastic cards, the oldest one being a Union 76 credit card saying I've been a customer since 1977. No, it's not the original card, but it was my very first plastic, the card I got to start building up my credit. Now I've got cards for AAA, car insurance, and health insurance. I've got personal credit cards and debit cards business debit and credit cards... along with business cards. I'm constantly saying NO to new cards but they keep accumulating. I keep a stack of the ones I don't use very often in a drawer. Somehow I can't just cut them up.

My actual favorite fortune read, Never take advice from a fortune cookie.

Do you like how you look on your driver's license or other photo ID card?

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